The Amazing Evidence



Breaking New Evidence

Reasons to Believe (2/2021) – reports that astronomer James Green and his research team  in Science Advances recently discovered that the magnetic fields of the Moon and Earth temporarily merged approximately four billion years ago (our earth and moon are calculated to have emerged about 5 to 5.5 billion years ago), forming a “coupled magnetosphere”.                                             CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE



This 3rd edition is the updated version from the second edition of The Amazing Evidence that was published in 2013. The original book published in 1994 and simply titled The Evidence, was significantly more voluminous as it had certain chapters which offered greater detail relating to the subject matter covered.  For example, the chapter titled “Is There Life after Death” was a chapter I had a difficult time paring down for the second edition, as it offered more individual testimonies as well as unique scriptural relationships to those who experienced going to heaven. For me, this was the added burden of proof needed to authenticate Near Death Experiences as having divine connections that truly excite so many people who are interested to know if heaven is real. This latest edition of The Amazing Evidence now includes those scriptural connections for biblical confirmation in the enhanced chapter “Is There Life after Death”.  Moreover, greater content and more recent discoveries are included as well.


The chapter, “Creation of Space and Time”, has received the most significant make-over due to the incredible amount of new discoveries and information that has recently come forth relating to astrophysics and astronomy since the 2013 second edition. In comparison to the other chapters, the added discoveries and proof are truly breathtaking. I do hope you will be able to enjoy this chapter as the new evidence is literally miraculous.


In the 2013 second edition of the book, I grappled with the problem of trying to arrange the chapters in such a way to make the book initially more interesting and readable. Doing so left the more scientific chapters near the end of the book. Although far from being an astronomer, the incredible concepts and evidence that astrophysicists have discovered relating to our cosmos and then the confirmation of those theories proven by hard data makes it one of my most favorite chapters. One thing for sure, you don’t need a degree in astronomy to appreciate these discoveries. Yet, I realize that the science and facts presented may appear overreaching for some. Understanding this, I have tried to keep the science and language at a minimum (don’t worry, there are no equations or tests at the end). For ease of reading, some of the slightly more scientific topics will be noted as “Digging Deeper”. Finally, I felt as though the Lord answered my difficulty in chapter arrangement at the point of publishing.  I sensed He wanted the more supernatural and less scientific material in the beginning of the book.  Hence, for you science buffs, you may wish to begin reading The Amazing Evidence from the end of the book. Whatever your choice, be blessed! Also, consider just reading a subtopic daily which will make the read more manageable and enjoyable. Of course don’t let this suggestion dampen your excitement, read on if so motivated.


Also, I’ve added a whole new chapter titled “My Testimony” featured at the end of the book. Why last? I believe the evidence and proof for God from established sources and testimonies comes first. Nonetheless, I felt the addition of this chapter was important for a number of reasons. First, I personally believe one of the greatest struggles that western culture experiences in coming to faith in Jesus Christ is the reliance on our high level of education (i.e. intelligence) and knowledge that makes it appear that mankind has all the answers thereby minimizing the need for God. Included in this mix is the near “brainwashing” of our impressionable students by an educational system that incessantly foists theories as fact. One of the most profound in this regard is the doctrine of evolution, false as it has been proven to be. Yet, incredibly, it still is the most taught course regarding the origins of mankind in the western world. Please, do read “In the Beginning” in its entirety, as the laws of physics overwhelmingly prove that evolution without divine input simply cannot happen. At the same time, this subject is very personal for me, as I used the theory of evolution as a weapon to disprove God of the Bible before coming to Christ. Only later, after coming to Christ, did I realize how unfair it was that I was not presented the other side of the “story” so I could make an informed decision that made the most sense. I would even say that if evolutionists were willing to honestly compare creation science to the “theory” of evolution on the basis of pure science alone, they would be hard pressed to defend their faith in evolution.


And finally, it truly is my joy to be able to share with you the more personal aspects of how The Amazing Evidence came about. The most significant reason for presenting this material is for all to come to know the Truth. If you are willing to believe what you read in this book as true, then it will be difficult if not nearly impossible to deny the overwhelming evidence that has come about in these last decades to prove the existence of God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I would also like to add that it has been an honor for me that the most high God would use this lowly servant to help you overcome doubt and disbelief of Him. After all, it truly was not I who wrote The Amazing Evidence, but the power of the Holy Spirit that used me as His vessel to convey His care, love and concern for you.


It is my greatest hope and prayer that you will glean much from this work and truly be in awe and wonder at all the Lord has provided. I believe more than any time in history that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is showing Himself clearly, absolutely and providentially. I am convinced His greatest wish is for you is to come to know Him on a deep personal basis. He loves you so much, that the Father sent His only Son just for you and I.  John the Apostle knew this foremost as he wrote in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” What is so remarkable about this is that we, who believe and make the decision that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father and therefore heaven, are immediately considered to be sons and daughters of the Most High God. If you don’t believe this, please keep reading.

Blessings and Best Wishes,

Hans Vandergouw

Hans Vandergouw