The Amazing Evidence



Breaking New Evidence

Reasons to Believe (2/2021) – reports that astronomer James Green and his research team  in Science Advances recently discovered that the magnetic fields of the Moon and Earth temporarily merged approximately four billion years ago (our earth and moon are calculated to have emerged about 5 to 5.5 billion years ago), forming a “coupled magnetosphere”.                                             CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE


Chapter 10

My Testimony

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect….” (1 Peter 3:15)

Unlike the previous two editions of The Amazing Evidence, I felt this edition needed to include a short autobiography as to how this book came about and the purpose(s) for which it was written. Within the autobiography is an important testimony for the reason and basis of this work. Once read, I believe you will understand why The Amazing Evidence is a critical work meant to validate the existence of God, His Son – Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. So now, let’s get started.


I was born in Eindhoven, the Netherlands (also known as Holland) a few years back. When I was a little over three years old my family and I immigrated to the Chicago, IL area where my father was sponsored by a Dutch acquaintance who arranged for him to begin work in Evanston. After 1-1/2 years we moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas where my father accepted a position at the University of Arkansas. I spent my early childhood years there and have to say it was a wonderful experience and environment to live in. In fact, I just recently read that Fayetteville ranks as one of the best top 10 small cities in America to live. I would heartily agree, based on my memories from having lived there.


It should be noted that my family were not Christians. And to my knowledge, we never attended a church of any denomination although I did go to a Catholic kindergarten for one year. But as far as remember, this did not impact me in any way. One thing that does stand out in memory while we lived in Fayetteville is my father would watch the Oral Roberts “Hour of Power” on our black and white TV back then. I often joined him, yet can’t recall it having a significant impact on me at the time either. I suspect playing with my Tonka toys was more important then.


In 1964, we moved to the New Haven, Connecticut area due to my father accepting a position at Yale University. This is where I spent my teenage years until going to college in both Iowa and Michigan, where I graduated with a pharmacy degree. I had always liked science, especially biology, while also being somewhat of a little businessman in my teen years where I mowed lawns, delivered newspapers and sold Christmas cards and gifts during the season. At that time, independent pharmacies were the typical format of how pharmacy operated and it seemed like a great fit for me, melding science and business together.


One of the most important mind shaping developments of my education was the assertion that the theory of evolution was the basis for our creation and existence. Since I wasn’t a Christian, for all practical purposes I was never exposed to creation science as an alternative viewpoint. As I write this, I remember just recently seeing a YouTube video of an atheist who gave testimony of meeting Jesus. In his testimony, he commented how he too felt so brainwashed by the system that typically railed against the truth of Jesus and by association, creation science. He said he just simply believed in what the science was claiming at the time, just like myself. However, the question of the existence of God began to nag him to the point that he began asking God to show Himself until it became a constant 24/7 for 30 days. I’m convinced serious persistence for desiring to know the truth will invariably lead you to the center and Creator of all truth, Jesus Christ.


Years later I met my future wife, Cindy, in Worcester, Massachusetts at a pharmacy I was working at the time. It was less than two years after we met that two significant events took place. First, she became a Christian and shortly thereafter, we married. Her being a Christian wasn’t really an issue for me except when it came to “discussing” evolution/creation differences with her. Although both of us did not make her belief or my disbelief a point of contention in our relationship (thankfully), it had finally gotten to the point through numerous conversations that I was able to begin seeing the other side of the story where she would raise certain basic premises that my “science” could not answer. For example, where and how did our cosmos come into existence?


As you may recall in the chapter on “The Creation of Space and Time”, this is one of the points I never forgot when my 7th grade teacher stated matter cannot be made nor destroyed based on the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, best known as the Law of the Conservation of Energy (remember energy and matter are convertible via Einstein’s equation E = mc2). Although most scientists of the day held to the belief that our cosmos and time were eternal, God’s word refuted this theory. I must say, through her great gifting of speech and persuasion (she once considered becoming a lawyer), I was brought to the point of being able to believe that God at least created the heavens and the earth. I was able to come to this place of belief because science supported this notion. Further discussions brought me closer to believe that God too was responsible for the creation of life on earth. However, I continued to hold onto the “fact” that evolution was the system how God put it all together. One thing for sure, I was not going to stoop down and agree in the “Adam and Eve” story. Yes, I was able to believe “God” created life, but it had to take place through the Darwinian concept of specie evolution by survival of the fittest – again – as I was so taught. Yet, I still had my doubts that a transcendent being was responsible for it all since she could not offer any absolute “scientific” proof outside of Bible verses to support her position. And in all honesty, at that point of my life, I only believed that the Bible was a story, at best, anyway.

But certain events began to take place in my life that caused me to further seek answers for the dilemmas of life that I could not answer. One was a family matter. One day we received a call from my wife’s sister who asked for our prayers when it was found that her husband attempted to commit suicide by stabbing himself in the abdomen with a kitchen knife. It was one of the very few times that I earnestly sought help from a God I did not personally know. He needed a miracle to survive, and at least I knew even with my limited biblical knowledge that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the only God known to be able to perform supernatural miracles. When we became aware that John was going to survive, not only were we all so thankful, but felt our prayers were answered. Even I sensed that. I do believe this event was part of the stepping stones God was using to lead me to Him.


The next question that became a major one of concern for me was the reason for my existence. For the most part, I am a fairly goal oriented individual. What struck me so odd in that season of my life was every time I finished accomplishing a goal, I never felt a deep sense of satisfaction after completing it. This really began to bother me over time, because what is the purpose of fulfilling goals if it doesn’t provide you a sense of satisfaction, contentment or inner peace. I do believe it was this “empty” feeling that provoked me to finally start asking “God” what my purpose was for being on earth. In a sense, it was all so very strange. When you’re young, parents normally encourage you to set goals in your life; get good grades, win in sports, plan on college and find a career that provides stability with a good salary. Yet, here I was nearly 20 years later wondering what the meaning to all these goals really meant. There had to be more to it than just money and/or a goal simply reached.


I’ll never forget the day that my wife and I were demonstrators at a home show for our construction company (oh, by the way I had semi-retired out of pharmacy and went into real estate and building during that time). The home show was a late fall exhibition and not so well attended which gave both of us time to look at the other exhibits. When I came upon an exhibit of new homes advertised for sale in New Port Richey, Florida, I became really interested. It interested me so much, that I even showed Cindy and took some literature home. Even as I think about it now, I realize that God used this for His purposes. Nothing like Jehovah “Sneaky” at work. From that point on, we talked about Florida almost all the time.


Within the month, Cindy asked if I would be willing to pray with her in terms of going to Florida and see if God would have something in store for us there. Realize, I was not a believer at the time and to my knowledge, I had never prayed with my wife about anything, even at the time of her sister’s husband attempted suicide (I did personally though). However, we prayed together and I felt that it would be worth going there to check it out. A month later we flew to Orlando and it became the launching point for us to relocate to Florida. On the first day of our trip, we made it down to New Port Richy and saw the subdivision that we had first seen at the homeshow in Massachusetts. What a disappointment! The lots were postage sized lots at best and the houses appeared half the size to those pictured in the literature. It seemed as though they used some type of trick photography to make the houses look twice as large! What a disappointment!


We continued going south towards Tampa and made our evening stopover in Bradenton, FL. While getting ready for dinner from the Bradenton Motel, the Lord spoke to my heart and said that this was the location He wanted us to move to. What is so absolutely amazing about it is that I still wasn’t a believer (i.e. born again) in my spirit. But He was talking with me, and that was pretty profound. However, a week later I finally gave my heart to Jesus at a church in Orlando before heading home.


On that fateful day, Sunday, February 5, 1989 I became a child of the living God by accepting the atoning death of His Son, Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for me on the cross of Calvary and washed me of all my sins. This placed me immediately into right standing with God. It was an incredible experience and a process that still takes place this day (sanctification and justification in Him). Some people wonder how such an experience takes place. For the most part I can only speak for myself, but a little bit further I will share some thoughts on this topic. However, I was shocked at what had transpired. From my previous place of disbelief, doubting and questioning, I immediately became totally transformed in my heart, soul (which is defined as the seat of the mind, will and emotions) and spirit to become a “new creation” in Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:17). His gift of salvation was offered to me, and I finally was taken in by the reality of Jesus and the power of the Cross. By my experience, I became completely convinced that Jesus was Who He claimed to be even though I had no absolute proof at the time. I suspect that many have come to Christ under the same conditions as absolute proof and evidence did not exist to any great extent until fairly recently. The Apostle Paul writes about a similar experience. When the Lord spoke to him and caused him temporary physical blindness on his way to Damascus for the sole purpose to persecute Christians, he was immediately transformed to become one of the most powerful preachers of the Gospel.


Almost immediately, I went through what is called a “honeymoon” experience in getting to know Jesus. I experienced a time of incredible hunger, thirst and intimacy in wanting to get to know “Who” this Jesus was. The reality of now completely believing in the Son of God and all that it meant was nearly incomprehensible! And what an amazing time it was. I’ll never forget about the day I had with the Lord that became the catalyst to the writing of this book. I would like to share it with you.


A few months after returning from Orlando and driving to work, I took note how my surroundings looked so alive and beautiful. I’d never experienced anything like this before. The sky was bluer, the leaves were so much greener, and I was in awe in what I was experiencing. At the time, we lived near the Quabbin Reservoir, a large man-made lake in central Massachusetts which supplies a good portion of Boston’s drinking water. The reservoir was constructed by a large earthen dam and had a road on the top of it. I sensed the Holy Spirit wanting me to go there. While I was slowly driving on the top of the dam, I felt an unction to stop. After a few minutes I sensed the presence of Jesus at which point I felt as though He compelled me to get out of the van. As this was becoming what seemed like a “holy” moment, I wondered if I needed to take off my shoes as Moses was told at his burning bush experience. I felt a release that this wasn’t necessary. As I got out of the van, I looked around and again a surge of awe struck me. Almost immediately, I sensed as though the Lord asked me this question, “How do you like My creation?” Of course I was amazed and in awe at the same time that He would ask me this question. His speaking was not in an audible way, but more mind to mind. I knew it wasn’t my mind “thinking” which of course all of us do. But it was a mind to mind question that I just “knew” was from Him and not myself.


I believe I remember answering, “Lord, it is absolutely beautiful” as I was in such awe to begin with. Then suddenly the Lord gave me an awareness that He simply spoke the cosmos, the heavens and our earth into existence. The thought of the Lord “simply” speaking the cosmos into existence by His spoken Word was an incredible revelation! It was like an “uh-ah” moment and it was so very strong, it practically took my breath away! As incredible and beyond understanding of how this could be accomplished, I was totally convinced that it was true. And why not? Ask any person to explain how our entire cosmos came into existence from absolutely nothing is a total exercise in futility (unless you’re an astrophysicist, and even then, they cannot fathom the awesome realm of a Being able to perform such a miracle). Then, I asked Jesus a question.


I asked Jesus why there was such scant evidence or proof about Him on a public level. In other words, why was there so little information about His reality outside of that written in the Bible. Throughout nearly my entire life of 39 years, I couldn’t ever remember reading or even hearing anything about His reality/existence by way of written evidence or proof whether in a book or TV show. And what was this evolution thing all about? In all honesty, I had a lot of questions that I desired answers to. Almost simultaneously, I remember hearing that small voice of God speaking again, “Well go investigate” and at literally the same moment I heard this, I had this sense that He wanted me to write a book about it. And so, I set upon my heart to embark on seeking the information that I so desired to prove God, Who I had come to know in such a wonderful and personal way. Within a couple of years I had a wealth of information. It was as though the Lord had led me personally down every road that was teaming with “His” evidence. In fact, I am absolutely convinced that He lead me to all which you have had an opportunity to read. Yes, I had to do my part, but the rewards were amply provided by Him. It was though He led me down the aisles of truth as I had never experienced before. It was the most exciting “research” paper I had ever written in my life. And still is this day!


By 1994, I had completed a manuscript that was well over 400 pages long. It included not only scientific evidence for proof of the Trinity but also a wealth of information about endtime prophecy which I was also very interested in and had begun to play itself out so significantly in the days we are living. For example, in the early 90’s a group of Jews attempted to place a cornerstone on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as a hope to have the third Temple built, which would occur immediately before the earthly return of Jesus. Such events and other related interests prompted me to publish my second book, Signs of the Coming Messiah in This Generation in 2011, which I plan to update for my next project. If such a book would interest you, make sure to look for its release with the new title: How Close Are We to the Coming of Messiah Jesus?, tentatively to be released sometime in late 2021 or early 2022, unless the Lord comes first, which is always a serious possibility.



The Goals and Reasons for Writing The Amazing Evidence


In my process of being transformed into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) thru the power of the Holy Spirit, there was a deeper work of preparation taking place before that fateful day when I became so powerfully “born again” into the kingdom of God. Once I was converted into this new creation, the reality of knowing and believing that Jesus is the Son of God was overwhelming! To think that He went to the cross to shed His blood for the remission of my sins was a mind blowing revelation! And it is a gift to all mankind as the Bible so states. But the greatest revelation, literally “mind-blowing” truth was the promise of being granted eternal life in heaven. Then, a next most sobering understanding revealed itself. Those who do not come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins would be exempt from being able to go to heaven.


One of the greatest burdens that I and so many other believers in Jesus Christ have to deal with is to convince non-believers that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. It is not accomplished in any other way, whether by good works, going to church, giving a majority of your riches to a charitable organization or any other means. As I mentioned earlier, before my born again experience I only believed Jesus existed as a historical figure. However, I didn’t believe He was the only begotten Son of God, that He is alive today as He was 2,000 years ago and that only in Him can one obtain the rights to a heavenly citizenship (see Appendix I titled, “Scriptures Noting Jesus as the Only Means to Salvation” where Jesus Himself affirms that He is the only way into heaven). Even today, I often ponder how difficult this concept must be for many. I understand, because I went through the same thing! And what makes it all the more difficult are the multitudes of other belief systems vying for acceptance. I have found most people attempt to find their solace for peace by investigating all other roads to a god, but not the real God. But as some of the latest evidence has shown, especially in the chapter Creation of Space and Time, only the God of the Bible could create our universe and time within the multi-dimensions He used to do so (please read this chapter as the proof provided is so absolute).


Herein lays the greatest difference between all other religions and Christianity. Other religions that state/believe it is your works (good or bad) that are responsible for your salvation are absolute lies. For 39 years of my life I had denied Jesus the forgiveness of my sins which He offered as a gift for my salvation. To think that Jesus voluntarily went to the Cross and shedding His blood for the remission of my sins was truly life changing. After accepting Him and His free gift of salvation, my whole world was turned upside down! And this is why the revelation and truth of God, His beloved Son and the Holy Spirit is still the most important aspect of one’s life he or she will ever experience while on this side of heaven.


The reality of the crucible of life became more pronounced and exemplified during the research I sought for The Amazing Evidence. One of my favorite chapters became “Is There Life After Death” which investigates the experiences of those who have had the opportunity to visit heaven and/or hell. For one who did not believe in hell, the truth of its existence as written about in the Bible was another shocking revelation. Moreover, I became enlightened about the spiritual realm in a real way by demonic resistance and even attacks that would manifest while trying to become both closer to Jesus and do His bidding. Now I can understand why the apostle Paul no doubt experienced the same when he wrote to the Ephesian church body, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts (demons that are fallen angels under the power of Satan) of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). With this revelation, especially those who have experienced going to heaven and/or hell, the reality of this truth is mind boggling. On the one hand, I now know that for any individual to have an absolute assurance of going to heaven, he/she needs to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior just as the Bible states. And the testimonies given by numerous people who have had the opportunity to experience glimpses of heaven and/or hell testify to this truth. Of every testimony I’ve heard or read about for those experienced going to a place that resembled heaven, not one person wanted to come back to earth. The bliss, beauty, joy, freedom (no pain, pure happiness, etc) and love emanated in this environment was so great that earth almost seemed like hell in comparison! Many were either told they had to return to finish the work Jesus had for them (by giving testimony of Him) or they felt the need to return for their family’s sake. Another common trait shared by the many individuals was that it is a real place. Through their experience, they became convinced that there is an afterlife that is hundreds if not thousands of times better than the life that we experience here on earth.


Through my research and writing about the origin of the cosmos and proof of time being a created entity by God, the vast time frames that encompass this entire concept is truly beyond our realm of reckoning. Even living in Massachusetts, one of the original 13 colonies, to see towns incorporated as early in the 1600’s gives one a sense of centuries gone by. Oh, it seems so long ago. But then compare the founding of our country with the time when Moses led the Hebrews into the Promised Land, 3,300 years ago and the birth of Jesus over 2,000 years. Now, consider the age of our cosmos being approximately 14 billion years ago! It truly is beyond our ability to understand or comprehend. From this, I made a statement in a tract I wrote (a tract is a small brochure that tells about Jesus) that says, “when your earthly life has come to an end, your eternal destination is fixed. One must realize that our time spent on earth is but a moment of time compared to the eternity of time. In that regard, the reality of life is so much more important in the hereafter then the herenow.” This truth cannot be overemphasized. Ask any individual who has experienced a taste of going to hell. Practically all describe it as a place of seeing and/or experiencing utter torment, torture by demons, intense fear, thirst beyond description, lack of air to breath, souls in a cauldron of fire or worse. One characteristic that is stated to be the greatest of all torments is the sense of no hope. The understanding that you will never, ever leave this absolutely depraved environment is beyond our mortal minds. Most are so shaken by their experience, they often go through a period of great shock, nightmares, depression and mental anguish because of their terrifying memories.


It is for this reason that most born again Christians who continue to have an active relationship with Jesus as they “walk and talk with Him” believe it is incumbent to tell others about the truth. If we really believe in Him, how can we let the souls of those who still need to accept Jesus continue on their walk towards the veritable pit? As I write this, I’m reminded of a tract titled, “What if No One Warned You?” I was able to find it in my drawer just the other day and seemed so appropriate for this chapter (see tract cover on right). I would like to reprint a portion of it. Read on….


“Imagine that you’re driving along a highway and pass a man walking toward you on the side of the road. He waves and smiles; you wave back. But as your round the bend just beyond him you suddenly realize that the bridge across a deep canyon is out! How would you feel about someone who knew the bridge was out but didn’t tell you? Wouldn’t you expect that a person with such crucial information would do whatever it took to warn you of the danger ahead? (Doug Salser; Literature Ministries Int’l, POB 9028, Greenville, TX 75404, 2008.)



The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make


As I shared earlier, my interest in endtime prophecy led to the writing of Signs of the Coming Messiah in This Generation and its publication in 2011. Due to the fulfillment of numerous prophesies given in both the Old and New Testaments, many in the body of Christ (educators, scholars, prophets and believers) sense that the return of Jesus in His second Advent is truly at hand. Signs of the Coming Messiah in This Generation was written to help the body of Christ understand and believe that the coming of Jesus is extremely close. Besides being written to encourage and educate the body of Christ for their blessed hope, it was also intended as another convincing proof for His reality. As such, I believe both The Amazing Evidence and the upcoming new edition of How Close Are We to the Coming of Messiah Jesus? are powerful tools to help arm the Christian with needed information for their witness. Most important, it’s meant for the unbeliever to read this treasure load of new information that reveals even greater weight to the reality of the Trinity as well as to the urgency of the hour we live in.


It is my deepest desire and heartfelt wish that you would be able ot believe in the reality of Jesus Christ and have the opportunity to come to know Him personally.  There is no greater power, no greater savior and no greater love that can be found in any other name but Jesus.  He so yearns for you to come to know Him.  I know this isn’t always easy to attain, but I ask that you simply ask Him in a sincere way to show Himself real to you in a sincere manner.  I am convinced that if you wish to hear from the Truth, the Way and and the Life, He will not let you down because He is faithful. (NEXT SECTION)

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We believe a fair donation for this book is $10. However, we would be so blessed with any amount that the Lord places on your heart.


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The text boxes below contain additional commentary or scripture references to the main body of the book.  Other times they explain elements described in the main body of the book in greater detail for greater understanding and comprehension. However, it is not essential that they be read.   


Numbers following the text are footnote designations and can be looked up in our Bibliography and Footnote section.

 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1: 20)

 A Prayer to Jesus, A True Friend, Helper, Savior…..


“Dear Jesus, please help me to understand and receive you as the only way to the Father. Please help my unbelief and accept my apologies for not giving You the place in my heart, mind and soul. Please forgive me of my sins and all the wrong things I have done. I come to You now and want to know You in a personal way.  Please come into my life. I want to receive forgiveness of my sins that you dearly paid for at the Cross so I can become a true child of God. Please touch me with your love. I want to get to know you in a special way, to begin having a relationship with you. Thank you for hearing my prayer.”