The Amazing Evidence



Breaking New Evidence

Reasons to Believe (2/2021) – reports that astronomer James Green and his research team  in Science Advances recently discovered that the magnetic fields of the Moon and Earth temporarily merged approximately four billion years ago (our earth and moon are calculated to have emerged about 5 to 5.5 billion years ago), forming a “coupled magnetosphere”.                                             CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE


Chapter 1 – pg. 2

Is There Life After Death?

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.”(John 6: 47)

Scriptural Basis for NDEs


   The Bible points out that man is comprised of a soul, spirit and physical body.  Paul the Apostle describes that not all flesh (biblical reference to the physical body) is the same.  Man is of one flesh, the flesh of beasts another and the flesh of birds and fish are different from the first two (1 Cor. 15:39). He further discloses that there are earthly bodies and there are heavenly bodies, stressing that the first man is from the earth and the second man is from heaven (1 Cor. 15:47), and that the natural body after its death is raised a spiritual body (1 Cor, 15:44).  Adam, the first man, became a living soul and Jesus Christ, the last Adam, became a life-giving spirit (1 Cor. 15:45).  However, Paul tells us the spiritual is not first, but the natural (1 Cor. 15:46).  For as in Adam all die in sin unto eternal death, so also in Christ shall all be made alive in His pardon of sin unto eternal life.  Based on these following scriptures, this would rule out reincarnation as an intermediate form of existence after death of the physical body. So too is purgatory, a place of temporary punishment after death with the belief that one enter heaven at some future date.  Neither reincarnation nor the existence of purgatory has been reported in any of the material I have researched.  Nor has the research community ever reported on individuals who have experienced reincarnation or a return from purgatory who has had a NDE. Therefore, from the point of physical death, we immediately enter into the spiritual realm by obtaining a spiritual body, as the scriptures attest to.  This reinforces the need for us to be concerned about the disposition of our spiritual body after our physical death.


At this point, those who have experienced NDEs have fulfilled the scriptural requirements for passage of their physical body into that spiritual abode as long as clinical death has taken place.  Interestingly, valid NDEs thereby confirm the scriptural basis of what happens to an individual once he/she dies.  The spirit and soul of the individual goes immediately to either heaven or hell.  Therefore, NDEs provide the basis for the accuracy and validity of the scriptures while at the same time proving that any other “isms” (i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc.) are humanly crafted frauds.  This is further confirmed by the latest astrophysical proof as written about in the other chapter, “Creation of Space and Time”.  Make sure you read that chapter for even greater scientific substantiation of the Bible.     



The Spiritual Body


Let’s consider the characteristics of a spiritual body. It is often described as being weightless, with many finding they float right up to the ceiling of a room or in air.  Many describe a “floating sensation”, “a feeling of weightlessness”, or a “drifting feeling” in association with their new bodies.  When physically alive, our bodies have many modes of perception which tell us where we are and whether we are moving or not.  Vision and the sense of equilibrium are important in this respect.  However, there is another related sense that tells us that our body exists.  Kinesthesia is the sense of motion or tension in our tendons, joints and muscles.  We are not usually aware of the sensations coming to us through our kinesthetic sense because our perception of it has become dulled through the almost constant use. Because of its unconscious existence, if this sense was suddenly discontinued, we more than likely would note this change.  Dr. Moody states that quite a few people have commented about the lack of physical sensations to body weight, movement, and position sense while in their spiritual bodies.  The characteristics of a spiritual body at first seem to be awkward.  What at first seem as limitations  transform  into  incredible  feats and  abilities.  Being able to pass through doors,  walls and solid objects is something we all would relish, especially if we have ever walked into one.  In almost all instances, the majority of people describe their “new” body as being extremely lightweight and airy.  Physical objects present no barrier, and movement from one place to another can be extremely rapid, almost instantaneous.  Travel, once one gets the hang of it, is apparently exceptionally easy in this state.  Despite its lack of perceptibility to people still living on earth, all who have experienced this “new” body say it is nearly impossible to describe as it may be.  It generally is agreed that the spiritual body has a form or shape and even parts, although it may only be a globular or an amorphous cloud and projections that may resemble arms, legs, a head, etc.  Even when its shape is reported to be roundish in configuration, it is often said to have ends, a definite top and bottom, and even the “parts” just mentioned.  Lastly, most remark upon the timelessness of this out-of-body state.  Many say that although they must describe their interlude in the spiritual body in temporal terms, time was not really an element of their experience as it is in physical life. 16



The Tunnel


Typically, the next phase that is experienced in a NDE is going through a black or gray tunnel. We find that not all people go through this experience and in a study conducted by Dr. Kenneth Ring, only 23% of his core sample group experienced this effect.17  The following are some examples of this facet of those who experienced this unique characteristic. “I heard the doctors say that I was dead, and that’s when I began to feel as though I were floating, throughout this blackness, which was some kind of enclosure. There are not really words to describe this. Everything is black, except that, way off from me, I could see this light. It was a very, very brilliant light.”18


A woman who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and temporary blindness said, “I remember going through a tunnel, a very, very dark tunnel… (Did you feel the tunnel was vast?) Yes, very, very. It started at a narrow point and became wider and wider.  But I remember it being very, very black.  But even though it was black, I wasn’t afraid because I knew that there was something at the other end waiting for me that was good……I found it very pleasant.  I wasn’t afraid or anything.  There was no fear attached to it.  I felt very light.  I felt like I was floating. 19   


Most other experiences of those going through a tunnel or black space are relatively similar and do not reveal a great deal more information than what has thus far been presented.  Is it possible that this passage is the actual breaking of the barrier between the second heaven, which is believed to be Satan’s kingdom and the third heaven which is God’s kingdom as evidenced by the typical darkness associated with the tunnel and the intense light seen once an individual passes from the tunnel to the other side?  Certainly the Bible describes that darkness is indicative of Satan and light that of Christ. One man identified the dark enclosure he went through at the moment of death as the Biblical “valley of the shadow of death.” as given in Psalm 23:4.

The Being of Light
Probably the most important and memorable phase that one experiences in a total NDE is meeting a man commonly described as the “being of light”.  Typically, at the first appearance, this light is dim.  But it rapidly gets brighter until it reaches an unearthly brilliance.  Yet, even though this light is of an indescribable brilliance, many make the specific point that it does not in any way hurt their eyes, or dazzle them, or keep them from seeing other things around them.  Dr. Moody’s respondents all believed that it was a being with a very definite personality.  Most describe that the love and warmth which emanates from this being are utterly beyond words.  The individual feels completely surrounded by it and taken up in it, completely at ease and accepted by the presence of this being.20 Many, who are Christians, identify the being of light as Christ.  Non-Christians will give varying accounts. In one instance, a Jewish man and woman identified the light as an “angel”.  Yet, by and large, what each was trying to get across was that they took this being to be an emissary, or a guide.21 However, as light is a summation of different colors that constitute it (as a prism separates light into its constituent parts) so too is the light of Christ indicative of different aspects that constitute His personality.  One of the most significant characteristics of Christ is the overwhelming love, warmth and compassion that Jesus has for every man, woman and child. The importance of His love is summarized in two commandments that today fulfills all of the law and the prophets, “Love thy God with all your heart, soul and mind.” The second is “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Fulfillment of both of these commands will render fulfillment of all the laws as given to Moses.  So strong and powerful is the love of Christ that He tells His followers to not only love the family of Christ but their enemies as well.  Only understanding the love of Christ, which is known as agape love (identified as the spiritual love that exists in the kingdom of God) can one fathom such a depth of love that would allow one to love their enemy.  Let us examine some testimonies of individuals who have seen this light and have identified its specific characteristics which point to the personality of Jesus and give biblical support for the experiences they claim.
“I got up and walked into the hall to go get a drink, and it was at that point, as they found out later, that my appendix ruptured. I became very weak, and I fell down.  I began to feel a sort of drifting, a movement of my real being in and out of my body, and began to hear beautiful music.  I floated down the hall and out the door onto the screened-in porch.  There, it almost seemed that clouds, a pink mist really, began to gather around me, and then I floated right straight on through the screen, just as though it weren’t there, and up into this pure crystal clear light, an illuminating white light.  It was so beautiful and so bright, so radiant, but it didn’t hurt my eyes.  It’s not any kind of light you can describe on earth.  I didn’t actually see a person in this light, and yet it has a special identity, it definitely does.  It is a light of perfect understanding and perfect love.  The thought came to my mind, “Lovest thou me?” This was not exactly in the form of a question, but I guess the connotation of what the light said was, ‘If you love me, go back and complete what you began in your life’. And all during this time, I felt as though I were surrounded by an overwhelming love and compassion.”22
In another testimony: “Now, I think that the voice that was talking to me actually realized that I wasn’t ready to die. You know, it was kind of testing me more than anything else. Yet, from the moment the light spoke to me, I felt really good – secure and loved. The love which came from it is just unimaginable, indescribable.”23
While going through a NDE, the conscious experience of dying is heralded by a feeling of such peace and contentment that many respondents claim there is simply no way they can describe it. In Dr. Ring’s survey, 60% of all respondents stated that they felt such intense feelings, as follows…..24
“I had a feeling of total peace. A feeling of total, total peace… it was just such a total peaceful sensation – I wasn’t frightened anymore.”  Another women who had a cardiac arrest said: “There was nothing painful. There was nothing frightening about it. It was just something that I felt myself give into completely.  And it felt good… One very, very strong feeling was that if I could only have them (her doctors) understand how comfortable and painless it is….I felt no sadness, no longing.  No fear. I had a feeling of total peace.25 
In another case testimony of an individual who “died” while in the hospital: “I was trying to get to that light at the end, because I felt that it was Christ, and I was trying to reach that point. It was not a frightening experience.  It was more or less a pleasant thing.  For immediately, being a Christian, I connected the light with Christ, who said, “I am the light of the world.”  I said to myself, “If this is it, if I am to die, then I know who waits for me at the end, there in that light.”26
In the following testimony, we find that the individual actually comes to a door, which is indicative of Jesus as the means and entry to salvation: “I was taken to the hospital for a critical condition they said was an “inflammation” and my doctor said I wasn’t going to make it. He told my relatives to come because I wasn’t going to be here much longer.  They came, and gathered around my bed, and as the doctor thought I was dying, my relatives looked like they were going farther away from me.  It looked like they were going back instead of me going away from them.  It got dimmer and dimmer, but I saw them.  I lost consciousness and didn’t seem to know anything else about what was going on in the hospital room, but I was in a narrow, v-shaped passage, like a trough, about the width of this chair.  It just fit my body, and my hands and arms seemed to be down at my side.  I went head first, and it was dark, dark as it could be in there.  I moved on through it, downward, and I looked up and saw a beautiful, polished door, with no knob.  Around the edges of the door I could see a really brilliant light, with rays just streaming like everybody was so happy in there, and reeling around, moving around.  It seemed like it was awfully busy in there.  I looked up and said, ‘Lord, here I am. If you want me, take me.’  Boy, he shot me back so fast it felt like I almost lost my breath.”27 
The Review
The next most common phase of those experiencing NDEs is a review of one’s life and at times a question as to whether the individual would desire to go back to earth or stay in heaven.  This normally takes place after the initial encounter with the being of light.  The review can only be described in terms of memory, since that is the closest phenomena to it, but it has characteristics which sets it apart from any other normal type of recollection.  The memories, when they are described in temporal terms are said to follow one another swiftly, in chronological order.  The probing most often seems to be initiated by the being of light and presents to the person a panoramic review of his life.  It is understood that the being (of light) can see the individual’s whole life displayed and that he doesn’t need himself information.  It appears that the intention here is to provoke reflection and not condemnation.  First of all, it is extraordinarily rapid.  Yet, despite its rapidity, most respondents agree that the review is incredibly vivid and real.  In some instances, the images are reported to be in vibrant color, three dimensional, and even moving.  And even if they are flickering rapidly by, each image is perceived and recognized.  Even the emotions and feelings associated with the images may be re-experienced as one is viewing them.  
Dr. Moody’s respondents claim that, while they cannot adequately explain it, everything they had ever done was there in this review – from the most insignificant to the most meaningful.  Others explain that what they saw were mainly the highlights of their lives.  Some have stated that even for a period of time following their experience of the review they could recall the events of their lives in incredible detail.  Let us review a number of cases regarding this phenomena.28 
“When the light appeared, the first thing he said to me was, ‘What do you have to show me that you’ve done with your life?’, or something to that effect.  And that’s when these flashbacks started. I thought, ‘Gee! what is going on?’, because all of a sudden, I was back early in my childhood.  And from then on, it was like I was walking from the time of my very early life, on through each year of my life, right up to the present.  It was really strange where it started, too, when I was a little girl, playing down by the creek in our neighborhood, and there were other scenes from about that time – experiences I had  with my sister, and things about neighborhood people, and actual places I had been. And then I was in kindergarten, and I remembered the time when I had this one toy I really liked, and I broke it and I cried for a long time. This was a really traumatic experience for me. The images continued on through my life and I remembered when I was in Girl Scouts and went camping, and remembered many things about all the years of grammar school. Then, when I was in junior high school, it was a real big honor to be chosen for the scholastic achievement society, and I remembered when I was chosen. So, I went on through junior high, and then senior high school, and graduation, and up through my first few years of college, up to where I was then. The things that flashed back came in the order of my life, and they were so vivid. The scenes were just like you walked outside and saw them, completely three-dimensional, and in color. And they moved. For instance, when I saw myself breaking the toy, I could see all the movements. It wasn’t like I was watching it all from my perspective at the time. It was like the little girl I saw was somebody else, in a movie, one little girl among all the other children out there playing on the playground. Yet, it was me. I saw myself doing these things, as a child, and they were the exact same thing I had done, because I remember them. Now, I didn’t actually see the light as I was going through the flashbacks. He disappeared as soon as he asked me what I had done, and the flashbacks started, and yet I knew that he was there with me the whole time, that he carried me back through the flashbacks, because I felt his presence, and because he made comments here and there.  He was trying to show me something in each one of these flashbacks. It’s not like he was trying to see what I had done – he knew already – but he was picking out these certain flashbacks of my life and putting them in front of me so that I would have to recall them.  All through this, he kept stressing the importance of love.29  Another respondent recalls: I was out of my body, above the building, and I could see my body lying there. Then I became aware of the light – just light – being all around me. Then it seemed there was a display all around me, and everything in my life just went by review, you might say. I was really very, very ashamed of a lot of the things that I experienced because it seemed that I had a different knowledge, that the light was showing me what was wrong, what I did wrong. And it was very real. It seemed like this flashback, or memory, or whatever was directed primarily at ascertaining the extent of my life. It was like there was a judgment being made and then, all of a sudden, the light became dimmer, and there was a conversation, not in words, but in thoughts. When I would see something, when I would experience a past event, it was like I was seeing it through eyes with (I guess you would say) omnipotent knowledge, guiding me, helping me to see. That’s the part that has stuck with me, because it showed me not only what I had done but even how what I had done had affected other people. And it wasn’t like looking at a movie projector because I could feel these things; there was feeling, and particularly since I was with this knowledge.  I found out that not even your thoughts are lost.  Every thought was there…Your thoughts are not lost. 30
And from the account given in the beginning of this chapter, the lady concludes: “I began to feel the most incredible, warm, golden, loving feeling, and the feeling was also a wonderful, warm, golden light. I was in this light, part of this light. There was a presence in the light, a wisdom, and that wisdom was the final word.”
Generally, most individuals felt they were allowed to come back on their own volition. But in numerous cases, the individuals were not allowed to continue on into the new existence that was being presented to them. Although all the respondents never wanted to leave the presence of the being of light, most decided to return because of obligations that they felt had to be completed, as in the case with mothers who had children. Others felt they had a mission to accomplish or had left some important task undone. My belief in the importance of returning to earth and regaining life from death in a bonafide NDE will be presented at the conclusion of this chapter.
 Glimpses of Heaven
   In some instances, individuals experience visions of another world that most closely describe heaven and its constituent parts.  What is so amazing about these testimonies is how they are so comparable to each other in regard to the characteristics they see and experience.  Because of this commonality, it appears that there is a singular place that best describes the essence of heaven.  Then we have the added layer of confirmation to the descriptions given in the Bible in the heavenly realm.  For example, Rev. 21: 21 speaks of the New Jerusalem which is composed of….“the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each individual gate was of one pearl.  And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.”(Rev. 21:21).
In the beginning of this chapter I introduced the testimony of Don Piper, a Christian pastor who died in a severe head on collision.  Don describes in detail what he experienced and is so replete of a place that defies our imagination, that it should place in each and every one of us a great desire to want to go there as our final eternal home.  What is so important to consider in this regard are the eternal ramifications of what our life will be like if we come to believe in Jesus and be willing to receive His pardon of our sins.  In the following examples, I want to provide a few more testimonies of those who have experienced a NDE and where blessed to have experienced their future eternal home.  As a consequence to their experience, you and I are so blessed to be able to hear from them a foretaste of what your eternal home can be if you so choose.
From a heart attack victim: I happened to go down this path and it was beautiful. Beautiful flowers and the birds were singing, and I was walking down,.. (After she was resuscitated) I did reprimand my surgeon and my cardiologist. I said, “Why, in heaven’s name, did you bring me back? It was so beautiful.”
From a woman who suffered a respiratory failure: I was in a field, a large empty field, and it had high, golden grass that was very soft, so bright. And my pain was gone and it was quiet, but it wasn’t a morbid quiet, it was a peaceful quiet. (Afterward) I said to the doctor, “Why did you bring me back?” I didn’t want to come back. So I was really very happy in that place, wherever it was. (She later described the field she found herself in). Soft, silky, very  brilliant gold. (What was the quality of the light?) Just bright, but restful. The grass swayed. It was very peaceful, very quiet. The grass was so outstandingly beautiful that I will never forget it.
A woman who died as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage describes: There was music, very, very, pleasant music… The music was beautiful… (Later) and then there was another part to it where two aunts of mine – they’re dead – and they were sitting on a rail and it was a beautiful meadow and they started calling me. They said, “Come on, Giselle, come on”… And I was very happy to see them – it was a meadow lane. Beautiful grass, and they were sitting on this railing and calling me.. .and I went halfway and then stopped. And that’s probably when I came to.31
A man who experienced multiple heart attacks and was resuscitated numerous times saw this: ….then I was going swiftly through a black tube, not touching the sides but soon I was glad to see light again but this time that wall didn’t stop me. I actually flew right over it. I was flying through space at a rapid rate. There was a river below me, and it was becoming dawn. Everything was brighter. I noticed that I was crossing over a beautiful city below, as I followed the river like a soaring bird. The streets seemed to be made of shining gold and were wonderfully beautiful. I can’t describe it. I descended onto one of the streets and people were all around me – happy people who were glad to see me! They seemed to be in shining clothes with a sort of glow. Nobody was in a hurry. Some other people were coming toward me. I think they were my parents. But just then I woke up, back in the hospital room. I was back in my body. This time I really wished they hadn’t brought me back. I have been getting tired of going through all of this. Just let me stay.32
Another testimony describes: Next thing I remember was going through this dark passage. I didn’t touch any of the walls. I emerged out into an open field and was walking toward a big white wall which was very long. It had three steps leading up to a doorway in the wall. On a landing above the stairs sat a man clothed in a robe that was dazzling white and glowing. His face had a glowing radiance also. He was looking down into a big book, studying. As I approached him I felt a great reverence and I asked him, “Are you Jesus?” He said, “No, you will find Jesus and your loved ones beyond that door.” After he looked in his book he said, “You may go on through.” And then I walked through the door, and saw on the other side this beautiful, brilliantly lit city, reflecting what seemed to be the sun’s rays. It was all made of gold or some shiny metal with domes and steeples in beautiful array, and the streets were shining, not quite like marble but made of something I have never seen before. There were many people dressed in glowing white robes with radiant faces. They looked beautiful. The air smelled so fresh. I have never smelled anything like it. There was a background of music that was beautiful, heavenly music and I saw two figures walking toward me and I immediately recognized them. They were my mother and father, both had died years ago. My mother was an amputee and yet that leg was now restored! She was walking on two legs! I said to my mother, “You and father are beautiful.” And they said to me, “You have the same radiance and you are also beautiful.” As we walked along together to find Jesus, I noticed there was one building larger than all of the others. It looked like a football stadium with an open-end to the building where a blinding light radiated from it. I tried to look up at the light but I couldn’t. It was too brilliant. Many people seemed to be bowed in front of this building in adoration and prayer. I said to my parents, ‘What is that?” They said, “In there is God.” I will never forget it. I have never seen anything like it. We walked on as they were taking me to see Jesus and we passed many people. All of them were happy. I have never felt such a sense of well being. As we approached the place where Jesus was located, I suddenly felt this tremendous surge of electricity through my body as if someone had hit me in the chest. My body arched upward as they were defibrillating my heart. I had been restored to my former life! But I was not too happy to come back. However, I knew I had been sent back to tell others about this death experience. I plan to dedicate the rest of my life to telling anyone who will listen!”33
Meeting and Speaking with Jesus Christ
One of the most incredible events that any individual can go through in the midst of a NDE or outside of one is to have a face to face conversation with Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  This must be one the most incredible experiences of those who experience a NDE.  Certainly, very few have experienced this profound blessing.  We have read testimonies of those who state they have been or felt they were in the presence of Jesus Christ but claim that they have not seen Him directly.  Based on the magnificence of prior experiences, what an indescribable event this must be.  Let us immediately proceed to their comments and hear what the respondents themselves have to say about this most remarkable encounter.
One respondent survived a near-death experience, brought on by respiratory failure: While hospitalized, doctors implanted a medical device in her throat. At the time, doctors told her that she would be unable to receive Communion that week. Here is her testimony: “I told (a friend) that I wanted to receive Communion. I (laughing a little with embarrassment) saw Jesus Christ….I  was crying…..All of a sudden, I was crying so, I felt something funny and I looked up and there I saw this light as it was at the end of the tunnel. It was this vivid gold, yellow. And then I saw a form there. And I can see that form now: It had blond-gold hair and it had a beard, a very light beard and a mustache.  It had a white garment on. And from this white garment there was all this gold shining.  There was a red spot here (she points to her chest), on His gown [read text box above], there was a chalice in his hand, and it said to me, “You will receive my Body within the week.” And He went.  And I thought to myself, “Well, that’s funny, that can’t be. Did I see something that I shouldn’t see? Am I going crazy?” And I told my husband I saw Jesus. He said, “Don’t tell anybody; they’ll think you’re losing your mind.” And I never did. And then, that Friday (within a week of her vision – the doctors removed the implant after all), Good Friday, I received Communion.”34
The following is a report from a minister: “I was called in the middle of the night by the hospital nurse who informed me that Mrs. D., one of the parishioners at my little church, was dying. She asked me if I wanted to be present at her bedside. I dressed hastily and went to the hospital as quickly as I could. When I stepped off the elevator, the nurse told me, “I am sorry I called you out of bed, Mrs. D. is dead.” She then took me into the room where Mrs. D., a little frail, silverhaired lady, had died from terminal cancer. I was told that all vital signs had ceased. I prayed, simply talking out loud to God, saying that Mrs.D. had insisted on my coming for a purpose and I asked the Lord to have that purpose come to pass if it be His will. I then saw Mrs. D.’s eyelids fluttering and then some rustling occurred and then commotion in the room. Mrs. D. opened her eyes wide and stared straight at me. She spoke in a whisper, “I thank you, Pastor Gorgan, for your prayer. I was just talking with Jesus and He was telling me to come back and do something for Him. I also saw Jim (her husband who had died a short time before).” She turned on her side and drew her knees up almost to her chin, breathing softly and slept.  As I walked down the corridor to the elevator, I heard the sounds of running feet. The nurse who had witnessed it all from the beginning overtook me and said, “I’m afraid!  What did you do? That woman was dead and she came back to life! I have been nursing for many years and I never saw that happen before. I’ve always been an atheist.”  Mrs. D., after she had recovered, had many conversations in which she described to others what she saw during her death: Jesus in His shining brightness and her departed husband Jim. She wanted to stay in Heaven but Jesus had ordered her back to talk to the others. Then one day she called me at her home to tell me that she was going again to the hospital that very day – this time to go to Heaven and stay. “Do not pray for me to live this time.”35 (NEXT PAGE)

Chapter 1 - page 2

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The text boxes below contain additional commentary or scripture references to the main body of the book.  Other times they explain elements described in the main body of the book in greater detail for greater understanding and comprehension. However, it is not essential that they be read.   

Feats of a Spiritual Body


“And after that, He [Jesus] appeared in a different form to two of them, while they were walking along on their way to the country.” (Mark 16:12)


“And after eight days again His disciples were inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors having been shut, and stood in their midst, and said, Peace be with you.” (John 20:26)


“And while they were telling these things, He Himself stood in their midst. But they were startled and frightened and thought that they were seeing a spirit (ghost).” (Luke 24:36,37)

Scriptures relating to Darkness


“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:5)


“The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” (Matt 4:16)


“Then I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness. (Eccl 2:13)

Jesus as the Light


Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world.  He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12)


“And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.”  (1 John 1:5)


And He (Jesus) was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light.  (Matt 17:21)                   


To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:79)

Scriptures relating to Love


” For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)


“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:12)


“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Scriptures relating to Peace (Jesus is Prince of Peace)


“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, let it not be fearful.”  (John 14:27)


“The word which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ “. (Acts 10:36)


To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:79)

Jesus as the Door (to salvation)


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20)


“Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the door, if anyone enters through  Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.” (John 10: 7,9)

Typical millstone found in Israel mostly used to grind grains.

Copy of first black and white negative photo taken of the Shroud by Secondo Pia in Turin, Italy

Jesus as Judge

“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according I to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:12,13)

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, wh the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:12,13)

  ether good or bad.” ( 2 Cor. 5:10)

……and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. (John 5:27)

“And I say to you, that every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgment.” (Matthew 12: 36)

Promises made by Jesus


“In My Father’s house are many mansions; it were not so, I would have told you; for I prepare a place for you.”  John 14:2 (KJV)


“For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal  in the heavens.” (2 Cor: 5:1)


“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifest through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” (2 Cor. 2:14)


The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it.  The Lamb (Jesus) is its light. (Rev. 21:23)

Image of the Andromeda Galaxy